"A bunch of nuts, playing as one."
love the music we play

6.3.08 ; 10:41 PM

hey people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thank goodness you guys are keeping the tagboard alive.at least this thing is not totally dead.

ok first,as rvklarinutz,we need to seriously publicise this blog.to juniors.yes yes juniors i'm referring to your new juniors.tell them all about it and brag that it's popular i don't care.this MUST be alive.it has to be right?who are we?klarinutters right?we are so huge sure can keep this going.

ok the userid is a gmail.com account.lols.

if you still cant figure which is pw message me.you guys had better be able to infer.

next,i need blogskinners/potential blogskinners to create a totally new layout for this blog.when i say layout,i mean layout,not navigation like the current one.theme:us,clarinet,music.either or,if not you combine everything.no don't ask me already.two reasons:1.i've stop making blogskins.2.it's your platform now.

yes juniors,it's your stage now.so we,seniors,drop by once in a while to tag/post,but it's mainly yours,so GIVE IT A REVOLUTIONARY CHANGE!

lols i know it sounds like an advertisement.

updated links.got rid of introducing members.the rest is up to you guys.

ok i guess that's all for announcements.
ok grats to our juniors for becoming seniors and for the new sec 1s to join us!yes yes i'm the crappy loud alumnus you saw on your first day of band,where your beloved SL chua shixian introduced everybody.

we are nice people.really really we just torture juniors alot.oops.just kidding!but anyways,you guys have to work hard and keep our reputation high!

to 07 graduated batch:hopefully we all ended up somewhere we like,or at least are getting used to everything.i know this is kinda late,but better late than never right?do visit our juniors more often when we have the time k?

ok that's all.
