"A bunch of nuts, playing as one."
love the music we play

18.6.08 ; 2:21 AM
hello all!

Hello all klarinutters!

In case you have no idea who I am, I'm XINHUI from the 02-05 batch, and I'm actually the nutter who started this blog in question. Yea that makes me pretty old now, I guess. But not quite ancient enough to not know my html.

Anyhoo, I've added a few stuff to this stagnant blog (I notice no one posts damnit the mosquitoes are breeding colonies in here!) and, just so you know, they are found under the section headcount, the links, and the birthdays column. I listed down everyone that I didn't see on that list and who I know existed once upon a time, but I didn't quite know where I should stop lest the list goes on and on and on and this blog turns out to be nothing more than a list of the names of has-beens (I can actually remember up to a couple of batches before me, and I can ask around for those older than that) so I finally decided to cut it at my batch... which is a pretty long way back, as you would probably have guessed by now if your math isn't as bad as mine.

Under the links section, well I updated my blog url from xinhwee to xaerenh, just in case you were wondering why it was a dead link. I also added Cynthia's semi-dead blog to the list, a decision justified by the fact that she has most recently exhibited some sporadic musings. For all those who are not in the know, Cynthia Lin Zhao'en aka Turtle Lin is the eflat clarinettist before Wenhui, and one of the SLs for my batch. Which makes her pretty ancient as well.

Ahh all the birthdays... if you were expecting birthday presents from me, then let's pretend I never saw and continue with our blissful ignorant existance, shall we? *whistles nonchalantly* No seriously, I haven't got enough cash on me, and I can not promise that I will be able to deliver the presents anyway once my school term starts. So, to be fair, let's pretend we never saw it shall we?

Alright nonsense aside, I added all the birthdays that I know of (which, given my poor goldfish memory and my unawareness of dates, is very little). As far as I know,

January: Jingxian (3rd); Jeremy (23rd) - both from my batch
April: Jinhui (21st); Cynthia turtle Lin (26th) - both SLs from my batch... what a coincidence
July: myself (1st)
August: Huiru (3rd) - ASL from my batch
November: Gimling (5th)
December: Lim Jiaying (6th) - from my batch; Heling (14th)

Alright, I guess that's all the updates I have. Till next time, toodles! And please, someone, UPDATE!

And someone please change the dimensions for the tagboard because I'm too lazy to do so :P And I guess all FF users would have noticed that the codes are still screwed because it's too much a Tyrannosaurus-Rex of a task for me to be doing at the ungodly hour of 0200 on a Wednesday morning. So yea. Congrats to whoever has to do it.

Don't worry Kimyee (: I'll bear with it. My IE hangs every time I try to run it though.

Cheers, and all the best for the concert on the 29th,