"A bunch of nuts, playing as one."
love the music we play

30.9.08 ; 4:58 PM


I love my batchmates too ):

For all the alumni klarinutters, HAVOC ON SATURDAY YEA!!! Who's up for dinner?


ah batchmates i miss you all so.

29.9.08 ; 11:59 PM

Yay! Glad to see new contributors to this blog! Xinhui's brain child of inviting some of the has-beens to become contributors has worked! Mwahahaha! (: So this blog isn't so stagnant after all!

Together, we can fight dengue! :D (alright sorry I couldn't resist that. The word "stagnant" just compells screams "SAY IT DAMMIT!")

In any case, the juniors please log in to this account if you know the user and password and invite everyone on your contact list to be contributors so more people will talk here ok? And remember to add a "@gmail.com" after the "rvklarinutz" because it doesn't work if you leave it out (yea I know cuz that was the mistake I made -___-'''). If you don't know the password, you deserve to be shot! No I'm just joking. Email or MSN me to ask, or ask any of the seniors who know, for that matter. Either way is fine as long as it works for you! :D

Oh yar! Contributors (you know who you are), I've granted admin priviledges to all of you. So yea please don't abuse it alright? But we're all nice people I doubt it will be abused anyway haha.

Thanks, Gim, for the heartfelt confession. Yea it pretty much embodies how I feel. I'm sure all of us seniors feel the same way too. So yea, juniors, please treasure the time you guys spend together as a klarinutter and make the best out of it. Because when it's gone, it's gone, and all that's left are regrets.

Cheers and enjoy your week! (:

Love, Xin.

28.9.08 ; 1:33 PM

HELLO MY LOVES :D (gim here)
xinhui posts such long entries, I shall keep mine short yepp. Well, speaking from experience, its really just a blink of an eye when we turn from sec ones to sec fours, then old dowdy lost contact seniors, and its really heartwarming to see you guys yknow, sorta heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time cos its unbearably nostalgic. Seriously years in band with you guys are the bestest bestest.

Okay maybe it wont be such a short post afterall.
I dont know just how many of you juniors would come and read, or even my batchmates, but I have a confession to make.
I've always felt really guilty that my dm postition has caused me to neglect the section, I couldnt give my absolute all to you guys, like looking after individual sectionmates, both in band and outside of band, extra stuff we could have done for general learning that kinda thing. And looking back, its a do it now for the section, or never get the chance ever again sorta thing. I mean, right now as a departed senior, there's so much less that I can do for you as compared to when I was still your sl. Yeah... so thats something I'd like yall to know, I'm really sorry.

And you know, loving you guys isnt so much about who's in the section, it isnt about individuals and whether you play well or you piss me off or that kinda shit. Its about us, when we work together and create music together and have fun together, endure punishments together, thats when you are the most lovable. Thats something I'd like yall, my dearest juniors, to know, that we are the strongest together, thats why we're the largest section in the band, thats to showcase our combined strength.

I have seriously so much more to say, but I'll come back and say them in person, cos it means that much for me (:
Talk to me ( or us ) whether its about playing or just random xin shi, we'll alway be there for you, promise.

25.9.08 ; 6:38 PM

oh my, this rocks. thanx for the invitation manx. i feeling damn old. i saw my name...it was like all the way to the bottom. we are like the oldest batch in this blogging affair. ok. i dunno wat to say liaox. ahahaha.

this is huiru! i love rvcb! =)

contact info.

Heyy all.

Just thought I should leave my contact info so that well you guys will know who to find when requesting for seniors' help. That's on top of Gim and Wenhui, whose contact info I'm sure some of the more senior members should still have.

Feel free to add me to msn, facebook and whatever-have-yous (though I still ultimately possess the right to decline invitations to friendster and whatever) and email me or whatever JUST PLEASE DO NOT SPAM I HATE SPAM I'LL JUST TURN YOU INTO SPAM IF YOU SPAM ME OK DEAL? (by the way spam is something like luncheon meat, if you guys never knew)

Yeayea so it's xinhwee89@gmail.com

There there I can't believe I just sold my soul to you guys as auxiliary tutor and liason officer for other seniors who haven't got as much initiative as me (heehee self-praise oh c'mon don't I deserve that little bit for selling my soul?).

Toodles! Enjoy the exam break and the exams (yes as sadistic as it sounds trust me you guys don't know what's torture until you sit for the A-levels and university exams). Study hard for now and do well, and then come back and gloat at me for I will have only started my exam week when you guys are wayy into your year-end holidays (freaking 24-28 NOVEMBER FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!). I will most probs only be free to come down in the first 2 weeks of December, I guess.

Till then, keep blowing, tongueing and fingering them instruments yea? (OMG sorry for the mature theme. I just couldn't resist the innuendo :D)


11.9.08 ; 11:51 PM
Hey there!

Wahh I feel like I'm meddling in affairs that are none of my business. But I think I've really got to say my piece, so hold them farts in and bear with me as I give my two cents (don't worry it's just two cents, not two dollars) worth.

The seasons follow a fixed cycle, and seniors come, seniors go. But the thing about us klarinutters is that we always take challenges in our stride. Herds of seniors have left our ranks, and juniors have been recruited by the droves. What then, causes us klarinutters to succeed each time round?

It's that never-failing attitude of striving to rise up to whatever challenges that are hurled towards our fragile selves. And year after year, our dear klarinutters grit their teeth and keep going. If we're weak, we get stronger. If we're disunited (which happened before to disasterous results I swear), we buy superglue and glue everyone back together (no I'm joking about the superglue please take it METAPHORICALLY)!

To all the present klarinutters, you guys are no different. In you lives the spirit of the klarinutters, passed down by the ancient ancestors long departed (departed as in graduated and left RVCB lah please). You have high hopes to live up to. I hope this doesn't put excess pressure on you guys, but it would break all of us seniors' hearts if the section were to fall apart right now.

Gambatte! You guys can do it I'm sure.

Oh by the way, just by way of feedback, what do you guys think of seniors coming back to take sectionals? Not saying that anyone will do so for sure lah, just asking first. Because Ms Chan keeps asking us why none of us seniors go back to help our juniors and all of us can only give her the guilty look. But deep in our hearts is this concern that you guys would feel that we're "intruders" and feel uncomfortable while we're around. Trust me we feel uncomfortable too. So yea it's a two-way thing so umm all I can do now is gather feedback so we can work a way round the problem, helping the juniors to improve on one hand, and saving the seniors from the guilty conscience that we experience whenever Ms Chan gives us that look.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated, so that I would know that I didn't sacrifice my precious sleep time for nothing (I swear I'm not getting enough sleep).

ALRIGHT KIDS! You can let the farts out now. I've said my piece.

Goodnight, and God bless all of you with strong lungs (all that farting must really pollute the air huh?)

Sorry for the crassness of this post! :D Xinhui's sense of humor starts rotting to the level of toilet humour when she's running on low batteries.

5.9.08 ; 8:50 PM

hey kLarinutterz!
I just came to try my luck and inference skills for the password. Obviously, I succeeded, or else i wouldn't have been able to blog this post -.-

It's been a while since the sec4s left, but band life still has to go on...
To every klarinut out there, please work hard and keep the klarinut spirit going! Well, i hope the lame spirit, guailan spirit and watever spirit you all can think about is still hanging in the air.

Anyway, for the sec1s, serious band life has just started. Urr, people call it the 黄金时期 or something along the line. What i want to say is that all of you should cherish this time and polish up on your skills. If you meet with any problem, just ask any of the seniors around, they should be willing to help you.. If they don't, I can help you slap them (joking).

Hmm, for the seniors, try your best to guide your juniors along, but still, don't forget to help yourself too!
Ehhem *coughs*, juniors out there, excessive bullying of your snr is not allowed. Don't think the sec4s dunno what you all are doing to ur snrs ahh..

Anw, work hard and bring the section to greater heights! Hmm, scoldings are common, just take them positively. Do not give up so easily. Find every chance to improve, complacency wil just cause you more disappointment in the future.

Most importantly, have a good learning attitude.
Then, wil you realize how much you love band, love klarinutz. These memories will stay with you forever.

-- Written by a concerned sec4 klarinutz.

1.9.08 ; 6:02 PM

erm...i just logged in the the blogger and the user ID and pw is the same as before as in it's not changed or reset...so...
user ID : rvklarinutz@gmail.com
pw: mentioned b4 by heling in the 6.3.08 post.
sofia (: