7.3.09 ; 8:14 PM
Yay jiayous for SYF! And all the running notes! :O Ok this is random T.T JIEYING. |
Adapted from "http://amyoftherealm.deviantart.com/art/Life-is-Like-a-Clarinet-3282107" " Life is a lot like a clarinet. You've got your ups and your downs, highs and lows. There are the seemingly meaningless days of the throat tones between F and B flat. There are the high notes of days full of worthwhile risks. Then there are squeaks where everything seems to fall apart in your face. There are stunning crescendos and monotonous mezzo pianos. Major, good days; minor, bad days. A complex system of keys and holes to cover. So many choices due to alternate fingerings; some are better than others. The soft, calm days of the chalumeau register. Some days you're in tune, some days you sound like a dead goose. Yes, life is like a clarinet. It'll always turn out right in the end, just like the beautiful final note in a Carnegie Hall solo. " |
Batches. o9 quek ying ; milly ; gracia ; jane ; siew min o8 nicole ; jieying ; jiawen ; wanyih ; yihan ; ng yong ; junjie o7 yijun ; zoenin ; sofia ; kimberly ; evan ; kimyee o6 sebby ; lihua ; jiayi ; kaizhen ; daphine ; yikai o5 chua shixian ; liang shixian ; vengyi ; farah ; zhiyi ; jennie ; valerie ; candy o4 wenhui ; gimling ; siqi ; xiaomeng ; qiaoen ; lihe ; heling ; emily ; felina ; chen jiaying ; hannah ; yana ; chaiying ; fiona o3 lester ; melvin ; andrew ; xinni ; wenjie o2 cynthia ; jinhui ; huiru ; xinhui ; jeremy ; jingxian ; lim jiaying ; vanessa sim ; seewah BABIES. JANUARY! JINGXIAN- 3rd JEREMY- 23rd FEBUARY! WENHUI- 1st C.SHIXIAN- 4th MARCH! EVAN- 24th APRIL! SEBBY- 1st LIHUA- 9th KAIZHEN- 11th KIMBERLY- 13th JINHUI- 21st FARAH- 23rd CYNTHIA- 25th MAY! JIAWEN-5th JUNE! JIEYING- 19th JULY! XINHUI- 1st ZOENIN- 21st AUGUST! HUIRU- 3rd SEPTEMBER! OCTOBER! SOFIA- 19th YIJUN- 28th NOVEMBER! GIMLING- 5th KIMYEE- 8th WANYIH- 12th DECEMBER! LIM JIAYING- 6th HELING- 14th |
7.3.09 ~ 8:14 PM
Yay jiayous for SYF! And all the running notes! :O Ok this is random T.T JIEYING. |
E emily evan H heling J jennie jieying jiawen K kimyee L l_shixian S sofia V vengyi W wanyih wenhui X xiaomeng xinhui Z zhiyi zoenin DESIGNER: X X X Base codes: X Hosts: X X X Icons: X X X X Image: X Textures: X July 2007 August 2007 October 2007 March 2008 April 2008 June 2008 July 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 |